Baby shower meaning in Nepali and best gift ideas in Nepal

A baby shower is a party that is celebrated for the welcome of newborns. The baby shower meaning in Nepali is (Dahi- chiura). It is...

Typing Master Offline Download ➤ Boost Your Typing Skills Today

Unlock Your Typing Potential 🌟 Download Typing Master for Offline Use: Improve Your Typing Skills When we think about improving our typing skills, the first...

Are oil heaters safe for babies’ rooms?

Are oil heaters safe for babies' rooms? Many new parents have these questions in their minds. Oil heaters are safe to use in a baby's...

Postpartum meaning in Nepali and Tips to make it easier

The first six weeks after childbirth can be referred to as the postpartum period. This is the period of adjustment and healing for mothers. The...

BabyBaby Care
Are heaters safe for babies in winter?

When the winter season comes every parent's first question is heater safe for babies? The baby brings joy and happiness to parents, and at the...

BabyBaby Growth
4 stages of baby development milestones: 0 to 12 months

Baby development is the most concerning thing for a new parent. The first 1000 days of a baby, including 9 months in the mother’s womb...

9 Best activities for toddlers at home- During the lockdown

Activities are the best way to boost the brain and body of toddlers. If you are reading this article then definitely you are worried about...

BabyBaby Care
Basic 6 tips to take care of newborn baby

After the delivery of a newborn baby, it is the most challenging thing for a parent to do. So it is important to get the...

Cough and cold during pregnancy-6 effective home remedies

Cough and cold during pregnancy is the most concerning thing. Due to the seasonal change or pollution, everyone can get the cold but it is...

Easy 5 fitness tips for new mom

5 easy fitness tips for new moms, Every mom wants to be fit and get back to their normal pre-pregnancy body. They want to lose...

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